Sunday Worship Schedule

Worship Schedule
Due to new guidelines given by the State and upon the recommendation of our Bishop, our church council has made difficult decision to suspend Sunday worship for the rest of March. We will revisit this decision at the end of the month.
We will offer a live-stream worship service and recorded services as well as printed worship devotions.
About Worship at Mt Si
Holy Communion
We celebrate Holy Communion each week. We believe Jesus is fully present in the bread and wine as a gift to all. This is Jesus' meal for us and so we do not bar anyone from participating. We celebrate communion by intinction (dipping the bread into the chalice). The Elements are Wine or Grape Juice and Bread or Gluten-free wafers!
Children are welcome and encouraged to participate in worship. Families may pick up a bag of toys and books in the narthex for young children, and a cry room is available at the back of the sanctuary for extra wiggle room. Speakers in the cry room allow for everyone to follow along with the service and the large windows give a full visual of the worship space.
Scripture in Worship
The reading of Scripture is a central part of our worship together. The Pastor and Worship team select readings from set lectionaries that are provided by the church. In the Fall of 2018 we will begin using a NEW lectionary created by our brothers and sisters in the Church of Scotland.

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