Welcome to Mt Si...
Mt Si Garden of Giving
In 2010 Mt Si began the "Garden of Giving" as a way to engage members and the neighborhood in growing vegetables for the Snoqualmie Valley Food Bank and others in need. Over the yeas the garden has been expanded and each year several hundred pounds of food are donated to the Snoqualmie Valley Food Bank. A few neighbors and BSA troop #456 also help tend the garden. There are beautiful raised flower beds in front of the garden that attract bees and are lovely to look at!
Interested in having a plot or helping to tend the Food Bank plots?
Have vegetable plants to donate?
Please give the office a call 425-888-1322 or email mtsilutheran@mtsilutheran.org
they can put you in touch with one of our gardeners.
The garden will be featured in an upcoming issue of Ruralite. Look for a link coming in Oct. 2020.