Welcome to Mt Si...
Opportunities to Serve, Reach Out and Grow in Grace
For you have been called for this purpose, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example for you to follow in His steps.
1 Peter 2:21
Mt. Si Lutheran Church consists of many ministries, allowing everybody an opportunity to get involved doing something they're passionate about. Contact the church office for more information on how to get connected!
Community Partnerships
Mt Si participates in many community partnerships including:
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Meetings
Thursdays from 7-8pm in the Fellowship Hall
Girl Scout Troop #42902
Thursdays from 4-5:30pm in the Fellowship Hall
BSA Troop #456 meets in Luther's Lounge each Wednesday night
Snoqualmie Valley Food Bank
First Sunday of the month special offering
Fourth Wednesday of the month serving at Food Bank
Community Garden vegetable plots for Food Bank
check out the SVFB to learn about this organization
North Bend Community Church Hot Meals Program
Fourth Sunday of the month serving breakfast
check out Hot Meals to learn more about this program
House of Hope shelter for Women and Children
Mt Si offers many ways to connect to this ministry
check out Mamma's Hands to learn about this program
Snoqualmie Valley Shelter Services (Day Center/Winter Shelter)
Mt Si offers many ways to connect to this ministry
check out SVSS to learn more about this organization
Mt Si Ministry Teams & Bible Studies
Children, Youth &Family (CYF) Ministry
John Grebe is our CYF Director here at Mt Si. With over 20 years of ministry experience, John brings expertise in experiential education for all ages. The CYF ministry seeks to engage in Christ centered education, fellowship and outreach for the building up of faith and the strengthening of the community with particular attention to integrating children and youth into the life of the congregation.
Ministry Contact: John Grebe
Parish Education
Ministry Goal: Our mission is to help people of all ages grow in faith so they become completely committed followers of Christ.
Ministry Contact: Courtney Adams
Worship and Music
Ministry Goals: Provide meaningful Sunday morning worship and assist with planning special services
Ministry Contact: Andy Veliber
Mt. Si Women of Christ/Hospitality
Ministry Goals: As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society, and the world.
Ministry Contact: Courtney Adams
Stewardship & Finance
Ministry Goals: Provide stewardship oversight and planning. Assist council and congregation with financial responsibilities
Ministry Contact: Tom Chase
Audio/Video Crew
Ministry Goals: Prepare slideshows and manage the sound system during Services. Sound Tech Schedule
Ministry Contacts: Dan Luke and Terry Adams
Building & Grounds
Ministry Goals: To oversee the building and grounds of Mt. Si Lutheran Church and coordinate on-going maintenance and improvement of church buildings, grounds and equipment.
Ministry Contacts: Tom Burnside, Mike Hanson and Dan Luke
Ministry Goal: To provide access to inspirational, educational, and theological material in a comfortable setting.
Ministry Contact: Sue Oster (interim)
Care Ministries for Mt Si and Wider World
Prayer Shawls
Ministry Goal: To knit handmade shawls and make available for anyone to give to a loved one in need of warmth, comfort and prayer
Ministry Contact: Linda Luke
Ministry Goal: Provide handmade quilts to bring warmth and comfort to those in need, locally and globally through Lutheran World Relief. This group makes over 100 quilts every year!
Ministry Contact: Barbara Touchette
Prayer Circle
Ministry Goals: Pray for various concerns of the people of Mount Si Lutheran Church and the wider world
Ministry Contacts: Grace Culver & Pat Thomas
Bible Study and Education Opportunities
Bible Study: Women’s Group
Ministry Goal: To share God’s Word together.
Meeting Time: Every Monday at 12:30-2pm, Fellowship Hall
Ministry Contact: Laura Ritzenthaler or Grace Culver
Bible Study: Men’s Saturday Breakfast
Ministry Goal: Review Sunday readings and lessons
Meeting Time: Every Saturday at 8:30am, Country Pride Restaurant
Ministry Contact: Paul Ritzenthaler
Bible/Topic Study: Sunday Adult Education
Ministry Goal: to gather weekly to discuss our faith, the Bible, theology and church
Meeting Time: Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:15am from September-midJuly
Bible/Topic Study: Wednesday Evening
Ministry Goal: to gather around dinner and scripture or book to grow in in fellowship and deepen our faith
Meeting Time: Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:00pm from September-June
Bible/Topic Study: Thirsty Thursdays @ the Parsonage
Ministry Goal: to gether around some delicious beverages and share in friendly, throughful conversation around theological questions, biblical passages, current events and more. We strive to welcome various opinions and challenge one another in our faith.
Meeting time: The Fist Thursday of the month from 7:00-9:00pm at the Parsonage.